
Geißlein, versteck dich! (2003)

Hạng: 17500
2-4 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 4+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Christine Lehmann, Wolfgang A. Lehmann

Họa Sĩ: Silvio Neuendorf

Nhà Phát Hành: HABA

How many little kids have hidden underneath the bed? Or in the cupboard? Whoever tells the right number, can save a little kid from being caught by the wicked wolf. This memory game for 2 - 4 players contains a variant for younger players as well as the fairy tale to re-read.

There are six metal cups in different colors. At the start of the game, five wooden goat's heads are placed under each of them, and the wolf is placed in the middle of a ring of cups. The players take turns to roll a color die, then announce how many goat heads are under the cup in the corresponding color. When an announcement is correct, the player gets one head and hides the rest under the cup again.
When an announcement is wrong, the player gets the wolf and keeps it until another player guesses wrongly. But when the player who already has the wolf announces a wrong number, he or she has to dump one goat to the wolf.

The game ends when either one player has collected seven heads (and thus wins) or the wolf has six (and thus all players lose).

French description:
Contenu: 6 cachettes de couleur, 30 chevreaux, 1 loup, 1 dé multicolore (6 couleurs), 1 dé multicolore (3 couleurs, pour la variante simplifiée), 1 règle du jeu.

Durée de la partie : env.15 minutes

But du jeu : sauver les chevreaux cachés avant qu'ils ne tombent dans la gueule du loup.
Un formidable jeu de mémoire comprennant une variante pour les joueurs plus jeunes. Vous pourrez également y trouver le célèbre conte "Le loup et le sept chevreaux".

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