
GD '41 (1996)

Hạng: 8635
2 Người chơi
240 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.33/5

Tác Giả: Dean Essig, Wig Graves

Họa Sĩ: Dean Essig

Nhà Phát Hành: The Gamers

GD '41: is Game number 9 in the Gamers Tactical Combat Series (TCS) by The Gamers and is the second in the series to cover the Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland in World War II. This time the IRGD is driving toward Tula and Moscow.

The final German attack on Moscow began on 30 September 1941 with the battles of encirclement at Bryansk and Vyazma. Further south, Guderian’s Second Panzer Group captured Orel on 3 October without fighting and pushed on to the Zusha River. While Mtzensk fell on 10 October, further advances would have to wait until the pocketed Russians could be eliminated. The Russian 4th Tank and 201st Parachute Brigades had been fighting rear guard actions as the Germans advanced beyond Orel. Mtzensk’s defense fell under the newly formed 26th Army composed of the 6th Guard Rifle Division, 4th and 11th Tank Brigades, 41st Cavalry Division, and the 5th Parachute Corps (three Parachute Brigades). The German drive on Tula resumed on 22 October in spite of the terrible German
supply situation. Russian defenses proved too much for the frontal assault attempted by the 4th Panzer Division, so a combined attack by the 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions along with Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland was ordered for 23 October.

Game Scale:
Turn: 20 minutes
Hex: 125 yards / 114 meters
Units: Infantry platoons, individual vehicles

Game Inventory:
Two 22 x 34" full-color mapsheets
Three dual-side printed countersheets (2 combat, 1 markers - 840 1/2" counters)
One 28-page TCS version 3.1 system rulebook
One 24-page GD '41 game specific rulebook
Two 4-page TCS version 3.1 Charts & Tables folders
Two Player Aid cards
Two 6-sided dice

Solitaire Playability: High
Complexity Level: Medium-High
Players: 1 or more
Playing Time: 1-40 hours

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