Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published)
GangStars is a skirmish game of petty crime in the hood. It’s about street gangs battling it out on the turf, cops trying to fight this and the Mafia seeing to it that their claims are not infringed.
GangStars is a light-hearted game and NOT the attempt to portray street warfare as accurately as possible. It’s just a game for like-minded souls who enjoy some hours of heroic deeds and funny
situations after endless happy hours of painting models and terrain-building.
GangStars is a game where you don’t need to buy tons of miniatures. A small gang of 4 to 6 homies plus their trusted and loved dog is enough to get started and have a lot of interesting memorable games. As you don’t need that many miniatures take your time to paint them as well as you can.