
Formula Dé (1997)

Use custom dice to race on Formula 1 courses.

Hạng: 835
2-10 Người chơi
120 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.96/5

Formula Dé is a fast-paced racing game in which the cars' top speeds are limited by having to end a certain number of turns in each curve of the racetrack. This can be tricky, because although players can regulate their speeds by choosing which gear to be in and each gear allows a certain range of movement, the exact amount is determined randomly. Great fun for a big group.

A winner of the 1990 Concours International de Créateurs de Jeux de Société.

Expanded by: (Ludodélire Expansions)
Expanded by: (Descartes Editeur Expansions)
Expanded by: (Asmodee Expansions)
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