
Forest Shuffle: Exploration (2025)

Enjoy new caves, a solo with the Automa and a selection of promo cards.

Hạng: --
1-5 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Kosch

Họa Sĩ: Toni Llobet, Judit Piella

Nhà Phát Hành: Lookout Games

Good things come in threes! The third expansion deck for Forest Shuffle offers three sets of cards to add to the base game:
First, there is an official Automa deck with 12 challenges to complete.

A set of brand new caves with individual powers to replace the regular caves of the base game.

Last but not least, this deck contains a selection of 15 special playing cards, featuring selected and rare species from around the world. These cards have been available as promo cards in 2024.

With 55 cards in total, this set compliments flora and fauna of Forest Shuffle base game and offers endless possibilities for exploration and adventure.

—description from the publisher

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