Tác Giả: Steve Blease, Mac Coxhead, Heather Paling, Tim Pollard
Họa Sĩ: Pete Knifton
Nhà Phát Hành: Alternative Armies
Flintloque is a Napoleonique Black Powder Fantasy game designed for actions between small numbers of troops - anything from half a dozen to fifty a side. The emphasis on the rules is to make them playable and not become bogged down in irrelevant minutiae.
The universe is a fantasy-like one that has suddenly been turned into a replica of Napoleonic wars. Each standard race has donned the role of a nation or group of nations : French are Elves, British are Orcs, Germans are Dwarves, Portuguese are Goblins, etc. Magic has faded in the background and been replaced with black powder.
The game is heavily influenced by the Richard Sharpe novels series by Bernard Cromwell.