
Fladderadatsch (2008)

Hạng: 15958
2-5 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 5+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Jacques Zeimet

Họa Sĩ: Gabriela Silveira

Nhà Phát Hành: Zoch Verlag

From publishers page:

Naturalist Florian Flügel photographs everything that flies in the air, whether bumblebee, butterfly or hot-air balloon. However, in doing so, he often overlooks what is lying in front of him in the meadow.
In the game of Fladderadatsch, the players move the magnetic game figure of Florian Flügel over the gameboard, trying to have him avoid stepping into the hidden (also magnetic) pieces of horse- and cow-dung.
The object is to collect the most photo cards by using the game figure. The themes of these cards are also depicted on the tiles of the gameboard under which unpleasant surprises might be hidden. Fortunately, the naturalist has a wooden footstool on which you can put him in the nick of time in order to save him from a misstep. Who can succeed in taking the most photos of all flying animals and objects before Florians’ shoes are ruined?
As you play the thrilling and hilarious “heap leap” of Fladderadatsch, you'll have the best chance of winning if you have a good ability to memorize — and, in particular, if you keep your balance in spite of the other players' malicious joy.

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