
Felicity: The Cat in the Sack (2007)

Bid on sacks of cats without quite knowing what's inside.

Hạng: 1656
3-5 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.40/5

Cats have very different personalities: Some adorable and sweet, and some...not so much...

The object of the game is to acquire the best cats. Sometimes, you'll use a dog to chase away unwanted cats, but too many dogs are bad as they will just chase each other!

With their mice, players attempt to grab the famous Felicity: The Cat In The Sack. In the sack, there are both good and bad cats. Each player can also put a dog or rabbit into the sack instead of a cat, allowing players to bluff one another. At the end of the game, all good cats and mice count as positive points, but bad cats count against you! This is a clever auction game with many interesting decisions.

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