Trick-taking meets majorities as players compete for calendar space in February.
February is a trick-taking game mixed with majorities in which players compete to schedule events at a popular venue.
The deck consists of two each of cards numbered 1-28, with each card representing a day in the month of February (one card is daytime, the other is nightime). Each week (1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28) is a different colored suit. Additional special cards (such as a "Leap Year" card and a "Reschedule" card) are included and worked in based on player count.
Players must follow either the colored suit of the lead card, or the must play a card of the same day of the week. Thus, the "1" card could be followed by either a card of that suit (a 1-7) or another Sunday (the 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd).
The highest card played which follows wins the trick (cards not following can't win the trick); in the event of a tie, the nighttime card wins. The winner gets to mark the day on the calendar as theirs; if a marker is already there, it gets replaced. The card winning the trick is removed from the game.
Once a full hand has been played, players shuffle the remaining cards, adding in a pre-determined number of special ability cards, and then play another hand, again competing for calendar space.
Having the most markers in a particular week earns two points; ties are broken by the marker closest to Sunday. Having the most markers on a particular day of the week (i.e. Monday) earns one point; ties are broken by the earliest date. Most points wins; ties are broken by the earliest date.
—description from the designer