
Famous 500: The World's Smallest Car Racing Game (2012)

Hạng: 12082
2 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 13+
Độ khó: 1.45/5

Tác Giả: Rob Bartel

Họa Sĩ: Rob Bartel

Nhà Phát Hành: Famous Games Co

The roar of the engine all around you, the rush of adrenaline as you shift down to claim the inside turn, the satisfaction as you press heavy on the gas and surge ahead... Do you have what it takes to be a famous race car driver? Find out today with Famous 500 - the World's Smallest Car Racing Game!

Famous 500 is a fun, fast-playing car racing simulation. The game focuses on managing the wear and tear on your vehicle, which you customize at the beginning of the game. For each hairpin, gentle curve, and straightaway on the track, players play a speed card, attempting to be the fastest car through that section. Higher speeds and more dangerous sections of track, however, will increase the wear and tear on your tires, fuel, and engine. Drop below zero in any of these and you’ll blow a tire, run out of fuel, or burst into a ball of flame. The player who crosses the finish line with the most speed points is declared the winner. Famous 500 is the third game in Famous Games Company’s line of World’s Smallest Sports Games and has earned a reputation as the most strategic and cutthroat title in the series.

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