Tác Giả: 樫尾忠英 (Kashio Tadahide)
Họa Sĩ: 樫尾忠英 (Kashio Tadahide), ことり寧子 (Kotori Neiko)
Nhà Phát Hành: ガーデンゲームズ (The Garden Games)
User summary:
皇帝なき帝国 (Koutei Naki Teikoku) is themed on the Interregnum in the Holy Roman Empire. But the game centred around the placement of numbered tiles and their effect. The main focus is on control using the Knight placement from Chess.
An area-control game themed on middle-ages Germany, where your goal is to gain control of Cities and Nobles. Players control "Knights" which have "Military points". Majority of Military points are required to control Cities.
On the other hand, you need the majority of number of Knights (regardless of Military points) to control Nobles. You must spend one turn to "prepare" the Knights, or they would be treated as "unprepared", or woth 0 Military points. But since they are initially face-down tiles, you can't be sure which of your Knights are the stronger ones.
The game was originally published in 2012 and a new edition with updated artwork was released in 2017, but gameplay remains the same.
Publisher summary: