
Electronic Talking Mystery Mansion (1995)

Money is hidden somewhere in this mansion. Search and gather clues to go home rich!

Hạng: 10042
2-4 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.40/5

Tác Giả: Larry Harris, Jr.

Nhà Phát Hành: Parker Brothers

While this may have intended to be just an electronic update of the earlier Milton Bradley game, Electronic Talking Mystery Mansion ends up being a very different game. Instead of a modular board, the board is fixed but the content of the rooms is variable. Gone is the need to collect the right Search cards. Instead players can search any item they like. The electronic organizer tells the players what clues they find. Some information is given to everyone, other information is just given to the active player. Players deduce the location of the money based on the clues they find, and have to collect the correct clue cards (one item, one person) out of the 12 possible in order to obtain the money and win the game.
The changes from the earlier board game: no search cards, no chests to drag out of the house, fewer hiding spots, and fewer clue cards, makes this version play much quicker and feel quite a bit lighter.

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