Nhà Phát Hành: (Self-Published)
Description from the publisher:
A heart wrenching co-op tabletop game where you must work with a partner to waddle your three fragile ducklings to safety. As a game where 2 parents from 2 families choose to either work together or against one another to keep their 3 duckling children safe, it simulates what life is like as a parent when the world is out to get you.
The parents are the players and they share a responsibility to supervise and keep their ducklings safe. Families start at opposite bodies of water, with one beginning at the lake and the other at the pond, both with the goal of getting to the other side. The path to your goal is created by the players and is constructed by a deck of randomized event cards prior to play.
On a turn, a parent rolls a die. They move up to the amount of spaces they rolled, and then choose an event card to land on. They will flip this card over and read its effects. Each event card has two options. The parent must choose one of the two options. They may consult their partner on what to do, but it is ultimately their choice. Some biomes can cause harm to the ducklings. When harm comes to the ducklings, an affliction token must be placed on the card. If three afflictions are placed on a duckling, both parents must flip the card so that the picture is face down. This card is now out of play, and the parents must read out loud the text on the back of the card.
If all of the ducklings in your family are flipped, you lose. The family with the most ducklings left alive at the end of the game wins.
Additional Mechanics Included in Gameplay: