
Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game (Second Edition) (2017)

Travel in the TARDIS completing an adventure in Time and Space.

Hạng: 7024
1 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 11+
Độ khó: 2.75/5

Tác Giả: Simon Cogan

Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published)

A FREE print and play solitaire paragraph-booklet adventure game where the player assumes the role of the intrepid Time Lord himself - the Doctor!

"Evil is brewing somewhere in the Universe - perhaps an alien force is preparing to invade Earth, or maybe a rogue individual is conducting hideous experiments. In a new regeneration, you are standing at the console of your TARDIS as it flies through the Time Vortex."

This web-published game is played using four booklets: Rules, Adventures, Enemies, and Events. Two six-sided dice are also required. all the Booklets, plus expansions and support materials are in the Files section below.

An Adventure begins when the TARDIS lands at a location, be it modern-day London, the wilds of Sherwood Forest, or the distant planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius. Through actions such as Explore and Investigate, references in the Adventure book will lead you to paragraphs in the Events book, allowing you to gather Allies and discover the plots that are in progress. Eventually you will reveal the Enemy, each of which has its own 1-page section in the Enemy book explaining how you might discover their dastardly Goal. New Actions then open up, allowing you to Plan, Research, and (hopefully) defeat the Enemy. If you fail to reveal and Defeat the Enemy within 12 Turns, the Doctor is killed - maybe your next regeneration will do better (or at least be better dressed)!

The 2nd Edition is currently being developed, incorporating material from the 1st Edition and selected expansions, as well as 12th Doctor material and all-new content.

SC Games is a fan-based group which makes unofficial games purely as a labour of love. For DWSSG, all related characters, logos, and indicia of ‘Doctor Who’ are copyright and trademark BBC and used without permission.

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