Tác Giả: Philippe Lefrancois
Nhà Phát Hành: 1-2-3-Games Éditions, Giseh Verlag, Territoires d'Outre Mondes (TOM)
Diaballik is an abstract strategy game for 2 players. The game attempts to simulate a sport whereby 2 teams are simultaneously trying to get their ball to the opposite teams starting goal line.
The board depicts a 7×7 grid. Each player starts with 7 ball holders along their edge of the board and their ball in the middle holder. Players subsequently take turns completing the following actions:
First person to send their teams ball to a holder on the opponents starting line wins. It's worth noting that an impenetrable wall of ball holders results in an automatic loss to the player who created the wall.
Nominated for the 2006 As d'Or Game of the Year.
Available on iPad (via iTunes Apps Store) since the june 21st 2011 (2 players local game, or 1 player vs AI)
Strategiespiel nach den Prinzipien von Mannschaftssportarten, mit Bewegung und Pässen. Ziel des Spiels ist es seine Kugel auf die Startlinie des Gegners zu bringen. Um dies zu erreichen muss jeder Spieler Angriffe und Verteidigungen spielen. Hinter einem einfachen Mechanismus verbirgt sich ein dynamisches Strategiespiel, welches bis zum letzten Augenblick spannend bleibt, da überraschende Wendungen immer möglich sind.
Giseh Verlag