
Dead Fellas (2011)

Disguise a zombie in a monkey costume and send him on a moped to whack your rivals!

Hạng: 16923
2-6 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.33/5

Deadfellas is a fast-paced card game about whacking Mooks in the zombie mafia.

Gameplay summary:

Each player uses his gang of Mooks to attack his opponents. In order to perform a hit, a Mook needs a disguise, a weapon, and a getaway vehicle. Once a Deadfella has all three items, he can perform a hit on any enemy whose total strength is less than or equal to his own.

A successful hit is not guaranteed, though, because an opponent can cancel a hit at any time by playing a "Fuhgeddaboutit!" card. After a successful hit, you have to discard a piece of evidence, reducing your Mook's strength and making him a target. So choose carefully.

The winner of the game is the first player to rack up a body count worth 10 or more points.

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