There are 3 games included:
The Gold Transport Raid: One player has 4 indians which whom to capture the gold transport and get it to the edge of the game board. The other player has 4 cowboys, which try to escort the gold transport to the fort.
Cattle Raid: The indians try to steal as many of the 6 cattle as they can, while the cowboys try to get the cattle from the waterhole to the farm.
Cowboy-Lotto: Up to 8 Ppayers get a cowboy or an indian to occupy the picture on the game board, which corresponds with the number on their playing piece. Movement is clockwise and determined by a die. The words on the pictures are covered by the letter token. When a player gets on a picture, he may take a letter token (if available) he needs to form the word from his starting picture. The first player to complete his word wins the game.