
Das große Kullern (2011)

Hạng: 13219
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.20/5

3D "marble run" game. Each turn, the player gets three marbles (small steel balls) and throw them into several holes at the top of the ramd-like hill. in a random manner, each of them starts running downhill through a system of 3D tracks or keeps stuck. The players` figures are racing up a serpentine path up the hill, crossing the marbles` courses, and the number of steps they move depend on how many marbles are stopped by them. If a figure lands on a special kind of space, a mechanism at the top of the hill is activated and all marbles, which got stuck so far, are released at once and run downhill. If there are too many marbles in front of a figure, it has to go back.

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