A game of rich social strategy in a world of dirty, take-no-prisoners politics.
Corridors of Power is a game of rich social strategy in a world of dirty, take-no-prisoners politics. Players are invited to debate ridiculous policies, serve unscrupulous interest groups and wheel-and-deal to win power!
Players try to convince each other to support policies and contribute influence in a 'vote'. But be careful, players don't have to do what they say, and can even smear a policy to ensure it doesn't pass!
While players may need to lie from time to time, they can build and rebuild trust dozens of times over the course of a game. This creates a wonderful cadence of shifting alliances and social dynamics that will keep you coming back time and time again.
There are also interesting strategic dimensions to the game-play. Players receive secret mission cards in the form of 'Special Interest' groups. They need to shape the policy agenda to ensure that the right policies come up at the right time, all the while trying not to reveal their allegiances!
—description from the publisher