During the middle ages, a powerful wizard obtained a unique item after years of searching. He secretly hid it in a royal treasury hall, that no one dared to enter.That was one of the most important tasks of his life. Centuries later, an archaeologist excavated the same item the wizard had placed in the treasury hall. The archaeologist, also hid the item in a secret place called the Continuum Vault. His purpose was the same as the wizard’s. To leave the item in the Vault, until the proper passing of the centuries, like a good wine in a cellar. In the far future, an agent that had access to the continuum vault, extracted the item she had asked from the wizard and the archaeologist to keep safe through the centuries.
THE GUILD. The Wizard was a founding member of a Wizard’s Guild that managed the impossible. To travel without moving. Although, the moving wasn’t through space. The Guild discovered that when you manage to travel without using the dimensions of space, you travel through time. Hence, the new name of the Guild was based on the event of that movement through time, the Total Inertia Moving Event Guild, or simply T I M E Guild. Centuries passed, the coming of the Nano Age totally reformed the Guild into a T I M E Agency and gave a new agenda to its members: The molecular processing. The Agency could combine almost anything in order to create new properties it could utilize. But, some items needed to be centuries old in order to evolve or to become suitable for the processing. Therefore, the Agency decided to cooperate with its members from times past in order to bring items to the future in their desirable state. So, there were many ways for one to do that. You could simply travel back in time instruct someone in the past, to hide an item for you in a place that you knew, and travel back in your time and take the item, which now would be centuries old. Or, you could take an item from your time and hide it somewhere in the past by yourself and take it back when you return in the future. But, the T I M E Agency has many members, so that it can function properly in all Eras. If you travel back in time, too far away from your Era, it could be hard to adjust in the ways people had in the past, so, the help of another person from that Era makes the procedure easier. Usually, a Mission that includes the keeping of an item through the centuries, is concluded by 3 members: A Wizard, an Archaeologist, and a T I M E Agent specialized in traveling through the ages.
1 board.
4 player sheets.
12 pawns (3 for each player).
108 cards.
1 rulebook.
All players begin the game with a mission that requires at least 4 items of different properties. Each player during his/er round uses his/er 3 pawns, which are the Wizard, the Archaeologist and the T I M E traveler. The board of the game is divided in three regions that represent three aspects of time: Past Present and Future. Each pawn starts from one of these regions and moves in order. First the Wizard can move in regions of the Past to collect information about powerful items and artifacts and then gather the items and/or artifacts for which he possesses the proper information. Then, the Archaeologist, moves in the Present regions in which he can also gather items that are somewhat different from the Past items and he can gather some more info about artifacts of the Past that might help the Wizard find them. Last, the Time Traveler moves and starts from the future areas, in which she can also gather info and items. The difference in the future region is that, items gathered here are built for time travel, which means that they evolve as the centuries pass. It is best for the Time traveler to travel back in time and leave these items in the Past or the Present to age and become stronger. Each item in Continuum Run has tiers, 3 sometimes 4. When an item is new, it begins from tier 3. Some areas on the board allow the players to store items and take them back from another time period. For example in the Present regions there is the Continuum Vault. If the Archaeologist stores an item of tier 3 in the Present it stays there until someone takes it. The Continuum Vault has its future version, in which the time traveler can go and take the item the Archaeologist has stored. But, centuries have passed, so the item must be replaced with a lower tier. Tier 2 in this case. Different tiers have different values. So, if a player requires for his/er mission an item with a value of Ruination 3, and s/he possesses a future item that has Ruination 2, s/he may store that item in one region and take it back from the next.
Any player that has at least 4 items that his/er mission requires may cause an endgame, during which, a last round is played and then players score Victory Points for each item and/or artifact they have managed to send to the Future Area called Molecular Processor.