Tác Giả: (Uncredited)
Nhà Phát Hành: Electronic Data Controls Corporation
While many of the electronic sports board games from EDC shared a common board and used overlays to portray different sports, Computamatic Tennis is a unique game. It relies on a large array of 24 light bulbs under a translucent board depicting a tennis court. The game is battery operated.
Players sit at opposite ends of the board where they have a series of buttons they use to enter actions. Each player's set of buttons is divided into four categories (each with four buttons): Receive Volley, Return Volley, Receive Serve, and Serve Left/Right. The combination of buttons pressed by the players serves to illuminate the lights under the board to show the result of the serve or volley. Tracking of games, sets, and matches is handled manually by the players using tracks on the board.
—user summary