Tác Giả: Eric Schneider
Nhà Phát Hành: Alga, MB Spiele, Milton Bradley
This is an electronic deduction game similar to "Mastermind". The comp has a number pad and a readout area with two columns: a number column and a sequence column. To play, the comp selects a random number and the players try to determine what it is. For example, if the comp generated the number 436, and your first guess was 423, the comp's number column would light the 2 (meaning you have 2 numbers correct), and would light the 1 in the sequence column (telling you you have 1 number in the correct sequence). Players get one guess and must then pass the unit to the next player. The first player to enter the correct number wins. The game can generate 3, 4 or 5 digit numbers to increase the difficulty.