
Colors of Kasane (2014)

Hạng: 5479
2-4 Người chơi
25 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.67/5

In Colors of Kasane, players try to place colored cards next to one another to make the most beautiful kimono possible. Players aren't free to rearrange their cards in hand how they like, though, and must use them as they come. After twelve rounds, players calculate their final scores to see who wins.

Every 5 years there is an exceptional competition during which all the young girls of the Empire compete in elegance. After triumphing in numerous events in the different provinces, the finalists are today at the Emperor's court, for the last stage of the competition. In order to win the competition and shine in the eyes of their sovereign, girls will have to make subtle overlays of fabrics and adorn themselves with the most sumptuous kimonos.

In Kimono, the players will try to recover the fabrics that they wish to use for their kimono. There are as many rounds as there are players. In each round the players will collect Tissue and Accessory Cards one by one. They will be able to use the cloth cards to realize combinations granting points counting for the final note.

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