
Clue (2013)

Dr. Black is dead! Race to deduce the truth behind a grisly murder.

Hạng: 12357
2-6 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.38/5

Nhà Phát Hành: Hasbro

Traditional Clue board game with modernized graphics in the "Mansion" board and a boardwalk/beach scene on the opposite side of the board. Gameplay has been updated as well with the "Boardwalk" scene incorporating 3 red cards which are placed in assigned spots on the board for players to obtain. These cards allow special plays:

1. Take a card from each player, mark it on your clue sheet, and return to players.
2. Choose a player who must secretly show you two cards.
3. For the rest of the game, you may ask one additional question every time you ask a CLUE question.

The 2013 version also places 3 cards face up for all players to see at the beginning of the game in 4 and 6 player games.

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