
Chrono Bomb (2014)

Hạng: 21439
1-6 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Nhà Phát Hành: PlayMonster

Mission: Cross The Laser Field Before It's Too Late!

Chrono Bomb is a super secret spy game where kids use the included clamps and 27.5-ft. string to create a “laser” field to crawl through. At the end of the maze is the bomb, counting down…tick, tick, tick! So, you have to hurry, carefully, and make it to the end to defuse the bomb and be the hero! Play over and over again, building new courses each time or trying to beat your or your friend’s time! Includes free app for more play value!

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