
Chestego (2018)

Hạng: --
2-8 Người chơi
20-60 Phút
Tuổi: 5+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Tác Giả: Russell McCampbell

Họa Sĩ: Russell McCampbell

Nhà Phát Hành: Icefired Games

An app assisted fully customizable board game with some Chess, Stratego, Carcassonne, Ur, Senet, and Hnefatafl DNA.

With each different game type there are different ways to play and win. Below are some of the current available game modes:

Chestego-WAR - A game which combines chess with stratego and the addition of dice. The board is 10x10 with special pawns which hide their identity from the opponent until being attacked or attacking. There is also two dice which are used when heroes attack each other (or when attacking the princess pawn). One with a square and one with a triangle. The triangle die is used by the defender while the square die is used by the attacker. The triangle die has a High chance of loosing while the square has a high chance of winning. The lowest number wins. A triangle rolled is a counterattack which kills the attacker. A Square rolled is a miss and the attacker has to move back to the space he attacked from. The game mode is won by killing the king.

Chestego-WARZ - a 2v2 WAR with the option for free for all if you have 2 more sets or colors or COOP with the standard set. In COOP one player controls the Warrior King while the other controls the Queen. The Warrior King can move up to 3 spaces in any direction so watch out. Also, the player with the King also gets the Assassin. The player with the Queen always get the Princess. The objective is still the same. In free for all there are 4 different colored armies.

Chestego-EDGE.LINE - Players build edges and lines and try to surround claimed dots to maximize points. There are 100 tiles and the possibility to play between 2-6 players. More players can be added with combined games. The game starts off with players building the Rift 1 piece at a time. The Rift has some starting edges and lines which can be claimed(12 pieces). The remaining 88 pieces are played one at a time until all pieces are played. The player with the highest score wins. The soon to be release app will keep track of each players score. Anything which was not completed gets counted at the end.

Chestego-RIFT - Players rush to claim resources and towers to build up their forces to be able to attack the enemy. This can be played 1v1 or 2v2 coop. There are resources and outposts which can be built to speed up your attack and slow the attackers. Each side is working to establish their land and is preparing to travel across the Rift. You win by destroying the opponent(s) or forcing a surrender.

Chestego-JUMPS - 1v1 version of Checkers with some special pieces and a 10x10 board. With 15 Jumpers and 5 Leapers each side. Jumpers can only move forward and can only jump other jumpers. If a Jumper jumps two enemies he is promoted to a Leaper or if he gets to the back line. Leapers can only jump Leapers and Jumpers. There are 5 Leapers to start with which can be promoted to Vaulters if they jump two enemies in a row or get to the back line.Vaulters can jump two pieces right next to each other in a line. Any combination of friend and foe can be jumped. Vaulters can jump anything. If a Vaulter jumps a promoted Leaper he is demoted to a Jumper. The game is won by the player left standing.

Chestego-JUMPZ - a 4 player version of JUMPS. You will need two additional colors or you can play 2v2 and split the existing pieces into the four corners. Each player gets 2 Leapers and 6 Jumpers. For the Jumpers that have to attack straight ahead. All the remaining rules apply.

Chestego-NEF - a variation of the Viking board game Hnefatafl with a 9x9 board instead of 11x11 (11x11 could be done with the addition of more board pieces). This version has 3 different piece types instead of the original 2. There is the King which can more unlimited spaces in any straight line. The Valkyries which can also move orthogonally unlimited spaces and the Berserkers which also more the same way. To remove an enemy piece you have to surround it. For Valkyries 2 would have to surround another Valkyrie one on each side to remove it. To remove a Berserker you would have to surround it on four sides with Valkyries or two sides with Berserkers. The King has to always be surrounded on four sides to be removed. The King tries to move to one of the 4 corners where there is a King square that only he can occupy. There is also a King square in the center which only the King can occupy. A King square can be used to surround pieces.

Chestego-WUR - A variation of the ancient game UR. Players race to move their pieces from the starting area to the ending area. The board can be setup in two ways. One with a longer battle lane and the other one a shorter one. There are also 3 towers used. One for each player's color and one special tower. To move past the center you have to occupy your tower. Once a player is in the tower he is safe and is considered removed. The player can jump down to attack an enemy if he lands in the lane right next to the tower but then he becomes vulnerable to attacks. The game is won by the player who gets all of his or her pieces out first.

—description from the publisher

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