This deck of cards is very similar to a standard deck of cards. There are cards numbered from 1 to 10 plus four additional cards in four suits. The four suits represent four nations: Hungarian, Austrian, Turkish and Polish.
Using the 1s as jokers it contains the standard deck, but there are rules for two new games provided as well. One (Charta Bellica) is a four player game played in partnerships. One player from each pair reveals a random card, then the other players choose cards simultaneously. The partnership with the more valuable combination takes the trick.
In the other game (Bellum) every player gets all the cards from one suit. Then they simultaneously choose and play one; the largest one takes the trick. However, if the defference between the largest and the second largest is at most one, then additional cards are to be played. Also in certain cases the 1 (the Fowl) wins against larger cards.