
Cauldron Quest (2015)

Hạng: 11434
2-4 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 1.17/5

The object of Cauldron Quest is to get the three correct ingredients into the Cauldron before all six of the paths are blocked. The evil Wizard has cast a spell to destroy the kingdom! You have the power to create a potion to break the spell, but you must work together. Your quest is to find the three correct ingredients hidden under the potion bottles and move them up the paths and into the Cauldron before the Wizard blocks all of the paths. If you do not get all three potion bottles with correct ingredients to the Cauldron before the paths are blocked, the Wizard triumphs and the kingdom is destroyed.

Cauldron Quest is a game where everyone plays together, no one is left out, and everyone has fun! Traditional games tend to have one winner and one (or many) losers! In a cooperative game, the players work as a team against a common obstacle, not against each other.


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