
Card Game: The Card Game (2020)

Hạng: --
2-5 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Tác Giả: Ivan Escalante

Họa Sĩ: Ivan Escalante

Nhà Phát Hành: Draco Studios, Gnomosapiens

Card Game The Card Game involves the most iconic and devastating effects in the history of card games in a single deck combining all the rules.

Turn by turn you must go playing your cards and earning Money to be the first to collect 6pts to win the game... you can also win if you put together the 5 pieces of the Egyptian god, or if you are the Sheriff and you find the Wolf Man, or if the deck is over and you have The Princess in your deck.

But beware! You could lose at any time if you draw the Kitten Suicide.

This game involves many mechanics known and famous by the most fanatical players. Despite sounds chaotic, it is a very strategic game, full of secret combos and strange moves.

—description from the designer

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