Tác Giả: Enrico Acerbi, Kevin Zucker
Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published), No Turkeys
A free game by Kevin Zucker and Enrico Acerbi, and a Napoleon’s Last Battles System variant published by Italian wargame magazine "No Turkeys" (and available in PDF at their website).
The game simulates Bonaparte's attack on the numerically superior Coalition forces under Austrian General Josef Alvintzy. Alvintzy defeated the Little Corporal in this prelude to Bonaparte's victory at Arcola in the following days.
The map scale is about 1:30,000 with each hex being 480 meters (or 525 yards) across. Unit sizes are mostly regiments for infantry and cavalry with several artillery batteries combined to form each "demi-brigade" of cannon. Special rules to depict leadership capabilities of individual generals.
Available online (see weblinks below).
GAME SYSTEM: Napoleon's Last Battles (NLB-Series)
- scale = 480m/hex,
- time = 1hour/GT,
- strength = 150-500 men/SP.