
Bottoms Up to the Top (2013)

Hạng: --
4-6 Người chơi
15 Phút
Tuổi: 21+
Độ khó: --

Nhà Phát Hành: The Game Crafter, LLC

Bottoms Up to the Top (B.U.T.T.) is an addictive party game that's also a drinking game. Have you ever wanted to drunkenly race to the top a mountain while knocking your friends off? The correct answer is "Every waking second!" Basically, if you are over 21 (or 20 if you live in Iceland) the choice to buy this game is obvious. Bring this game to parties and it will instantly become a staple of all the parties thereafter.

A mix of dice rolling and strategy make an exciting, heart racing board game that is also a drinking game. You and your friends try to stop anyone from reaching the mountain-top before you. Each turn you roll the dice and push yourself or others up the mountain, in an attempt to reach the top and knock your others off. As you go up the mountain you lose and gain points on certain spaces and the game ends when someone reaches the top. If you go over the top you have to start all the way at the bottom.

Bottoms Up To The Top is a board game first and a drinking game second. Most drinking games seem to not be too much fun without the drinking, this game could easily be enjoyed no matter what state of mind you are in. Bottoms Up To The Top is a game for all kinds of people over the legal drinking age and not made exclusively for heavy-drinkers or moderate partyers. B.U.T.T. has separate rules for non-drinkers and drinkers.

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