
ブックメイカーズ (BOOK MAKERS) (2017)

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
30-45 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Publisher's summary

User summary
In the game of ブックメイカーズ (BOOK MAKERS), there is a manga, a Japanese comicbook magazine named "Shukan Shonen Boardgame (Weekly Boys' Boardgame)", and a comic strip named "BOOKMAKERS" is the most popular in the magazine. Its story is heating up, and the most climactic event is about to begin: The Tournament Battles!

In this game, players are readers of the manga "BOOKMAKERS". The player who has been most excited at the manga wins the game. The game is published in the same format as 'Weekly Shonen Jump', a very popular weekly manga in Japan. The designer is publishing under his own label Ōtsuka seisaku (オオツカ製作) outside of his other work with KUA. The doujin publisher Gyunbuku-ya (ぎゅんぶく屋) is listed for design work on the game, not strictly as the game publisher.

There are nine competitors in the tournament. At the beginning of the game, each player is randomly assigned a competitor as their favorite character. Players take turns placing a competitor to form a tournament bracket. Then players secretly choose who will be the champion of the tournament.

There are eight battles in the tournament. Most of a battle proceeds automatically, and rough probability of victory is calculated easily. But before the battle begins, players have some chances to place a fan letter face-down on a competitor to modify the result toward their favor.

Here are how you get excited (score victory points).
1) You score points when your favorite character wins a battle, and ultimately, you score big points when your favorite character wins the tournament.
2) Each competitor has a destined rival. You score points when your favorite character fights with their destined rival. Win or lose doesn't matter.
3) For each battle, you score points if you have correctly predicted who will win the battle.
4) You score points if you have correctly predicted the champion of the tournament.

The player with the highest total wins the game.

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