Bonaparte drives Austria from Italy.
Tác Giả: Kevin Zucker
Họa Sĩ: Antoine-Jean Gros, Charles Kibler
Nhà Phát Hành: OSG (Operational Studies Group)
May 1796 – Having crushed Piedmont in a lightning campaign the young revolutionary General Bonaparte prepared to attack the key Austrian fortress of Mantova, the only one of the four fortress of the quadrilateral still in Austrian control. Little did he know that it would take nine months of desperate fighting before the fortress fell.
Lodi, 10 May; The Force of Destiny –A desperate battle to cross the bridge across the Po and continue the pursuit of the Austrian forces.
Castiglione, 5 August; Wurmser’s Relief of Mantova - A veteran Austria army prepares to sweep away the French gains of the last few months.
Mantova, Queen of the Quadrilateral, 1796-97 – Three Austrian attempts to relive the siege of this key city.
Arcole, 15-17 November; Crossing the Adige — A French attempt to outflank the Austrians runs in to trouble.
Rivoli, 14-15 January; Battle of the Osteria Gorge – The final Austrian relief effort is being stopped by Joubert, when Austrian reinforcements cut off the French. Bonaparte must act to relive the and defeat the Austrians.
The Library of Napoleonic Battles TLNB-series, evolved from the very successful Napoleon´s Last Battles, combining a high level of historical detail and beautiful and accurate maps with excellent playability, is covering, at Brigade level, (almost) every major Napoleonic battle.