
Black Sun: Rules for 28mm Weird Nam Skirmish Battle (2020)

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
6-60 Phút
Tuổi: 0+
Độ khó: 0.00/5

Cthulhu 1968: Black Sun 28mm Miniatures and Rulebook

Black Sun is a game of ground combat that accompanies our 28mm Black Sun range of models. It is set in another dimension that is known as Black Sun, located somewhere in an alternate jungles of Cambodia in the year 1968. The rules are designed to give you an authentic feel for warfare in the Viet Nam War and could certainly be used for this purpose. However, the game also includes some fantastic events from the alternate dimension of the Black Sun. These rules include unpredictable events – sudden rushes, explosions, ambushes, and malfunctioning weapons along with more far flung environmental and strange atmospheric manifestations – that will challenge your strategy and tactics as a tabletop general. The terrain can be as elaborate or as simple as you like; but the game is best played with lots of cover (jungle, trees, jungle, rocks, downed helicopters, ancient buildings and yet more jungle). The playing area can represent anything from an ancient city to an alien jungle canopy to a Bug-infested tunnel complex!
Each player controls a Force about the size of a small squad (6-15 models). Some Forces may involve more models than others since they consist either of less skilled troops (like NVA militia or poorly armed and trained conscripts) or weird alien Fury Bugs whose strength lies in their overwhelming numbers. As players become more experienced, they can control larger numbers of troops as well as vehicles and incorporate more advanced rules for Viet Nam era warfare. At its most basic size (squad level), a game of Black Sun should take an hour or less to play.

—description from the rulebook

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