
Birds of Prey: Air Combat in the Jet Age (2008)

Hạng: 7322
2-8 Người chơi
120-480 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 4.50/5

Birds of Prey - Air Combat in the Jet Age is a revolutionary jet dogfighting game, simulating flight with unprecedented precision and engrossing play.
The Birds of Prey flight mechanics allow freedom in three dimensions without requiring special maneuver rules. Physics-based systems model aircraft performance differences correctly and simply through the use of only two elegant playaids; graphical computers known as nomograms. Missiles fly out towards their targets without player intervention, using proper kinematics from launch and flowing seamlessly into the underlying flight engine. The core of Birds of Prey is the PHAD - the Pitch, Heading, and Attitude Display, a simple tool allowing players to track their the orientation of an aircraft in three dimensions. The PHAD makes it trivial to find the relative position (bearings) and relative motion between maneuvering aircraft. It also makes figuring blind spots where you can't sight other aircraft a trivial exercise, regardless of whether the aircraft is flying straight and level, has its nose pointing straight up, or is in the middle of a wingover.

The lavishly illustrated Birds of Prey tutorial guides you through learning the game solo, while the rulebook is a reference for rules questions only. The play aids are built to keep the rulebook in the box during play. Laminated play-aids use a system of hints that lead players through flight and eases return to play. Full-color box-miniatures are placed on tilt-blocks and stacking tiles showing altitude, pitch, roll and heading and bringing the three-dimensional fight to life.

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