Tác Giả: John P. Withers
Nhà Phát Hành: (Unknown)
Booklet of rules for playing a medieval negotiation power game.
From Page 1 of the rulebook:
Aim and Object of the Game
To become King - and having gained the throne, to keep it!
Brief Outline of Play
There is a strict hierarchical structure with the throne at the apex. The numbers after office titles indicate their location on the city map (see insert inside rear cover). Players endeavor to progress up the structure by killing (or arranging to have killed) the player holding the office immediately above them, and then ensuring that they (rather than the other potential candidate) are elevated to the vacancy thus created. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that the 'meat' of the game lies in the necessary wheeling and dealing between players that is found to produce the desired result - all kinds of bribery, promises, treachery and the like can be used; in fact, unless expressly forbidden by the rules, it can be tried.