
Battles of 1866: Frontier Battles (2012)

Hạng: --
1-2 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.00/5

Tác Giả: Michael Bennighof

Họa Sĩ: Guy Riessen

Nhà Phát Hành: Avalanche Press Ltd.

One of the three games split off from the earlier Battles of 1866: Frontier Battles project from APL, this game covers five different smaller battles from the Austro-Prussian War. These battles are... Trautenau, Soor, Nachod, Skalitz, and Gitschin.

This game uses the same system as War of the States: Gettysburg, 1863 and War of the States: Chickamauga & Chattanooga which is similar to the Rome at War and Eagles Of The Empire series as well. In this game, the units are Prussian, Austrian, and Saxon infantry brigades artillery batteries, and cavalry regiments. The pieces are moved around topographic maps of the various battlegrounds. Combat is resolved using by rolling a number of dice equal to the total combat strength of units involved in combat, with hits scored on a result of 6.

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