
Battle with the Swedes for Charles Bridge

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
-- Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: (Uncredited)

Nhà Phát Hành: JAGA Vydavatelstvi

From the rules: "In the course of the cruel Thirty Years' War, the people inhabiting the Czech Lands were subjected to many invasions by Swedish mercenaries who looted burghers' houses, aristocratic palaces, churches, libraries and monasteries. Regardless of whether they were led by Generals Baner, Torstenson or Wrangel, the Swedes always wanted to take away as much as they could . . . On the night of July 25, 1648, the Swedish cavalry tried to conquer the Stone Bridge (today's Charles Bridge) and penetrate the Old Town through the gate in the Old Town bridge tower . . .The people of Prague, and particularly students led by Father Jiri Plachy, quickly took up arms and rushed to help the tiny unit of the tower guards. A fierce hand-to-hand fight ensued, with the fighters on both sides hiding behind the the statues on the bridge. The battle took the toll of many dead and wounded on both sides. The present game is based on this particular battle with all its snares and personal fights."

The rules are in Czech, English, German and French. The board is a simple checkerboard-type surface on medium-weight cardboard. The only other components are 28 small wooden blocks, 14 dyed red, 14 in their natural light brown coloring. There is a coin on the front of the box that is tossed at the start of the game to determine how many moves the Swedish player gets.

Each player places their 14 men on the first two rows of squares on each side of the board. The men can move one square in 12 possible directions. You eliminate your opponent's men by landing on their square and can take another turn provided you can eliminate another man with that move. All men can jump over each other. The player who has more of his men on the starting line of his rival when no one can make any more moves wins.

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