
Barnyard (2022)

Two players face-off in an attempt to wrangle farm animals into their corral.

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
10-20 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Tác Giả: Cameron Art

Họa Sĩ: Jason Boles

Nhà Phát Hành: BGB Publishing

Barnyard is an 18-card drafting game designed specifically for 2 players in which you will compete to corral the best combination of farm animals that you can. Manage an ever-shifting barnyard of animal cards and carefully wrangle the animals you want into your corral to score the most points and win the game!

On your turn, you'll choose an animal in the farm and use its power to manipulate the animals in the Barnyard line. Then, you'll flip that animal over and add it to the back of the line.

Next, you'll take whatever animal is currently at the front of the Barnyard line and add it to your corral.

Be careful! Some critters get along better than others, so you’ll have to carefully plan the layout of your corral if you want to score the most points and win the game.

Want to ramp up the complexity? Every copy of Barnyard comes with the free 6-card Farmers Expansion. Work towards your own secret corral objective to score even more points at the end of the game.

—description from the designer

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