Desktop-Printed collectible card game for 2 players.
"Build an army through the use of brute strength and/or intellect of maneuvers; obtain victory over your enemies."
Components include sheets of printed card stock that need to be cut into the cards, tissue-paper player mat with a grid marked out with a felt pen and rulebook. You also need 10 D6.
The cards represent your battle units. Each card has the following information:
-- Name and military rank
-- Level (unit strength) - How much damage it can sustain.
-- Symbols/keywords that indicate an action and when it can take place
-- Strength values on each side of the card.
Each round of play consists of the following phases:
-- Determine initiative
-- Deploy troops - play one card onto your side of the mat or adjacent to another one of your cards
-- Flip actions / Combat Action - flip card and take corresponding action
-- Resolve skirmishes - Skirmishes occur when cards are lined up with each other
-- Draw one card
When you defeat an opposing troop (card), you get a Victory Point. First to 10 Victory Points wins.