
Banana Bandido (2019)

Collect banana generators and stick stealers, but don't grab the baboon's butt!

Hạng: 18903
2-5 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 9+
Độ khó: 1.67/5

Tác Giả: Michael Loth

Họa Sĩ: Michael Loth

Nhà Phát Hành: Mogel-Verlag, Games 4 Gamers

In Banana Bandido, you are monkeys in the Wild West and you try to prevail against the other monkeys. Manipulation and deceptive alliances determine the rambling around the bananas. And in the saloon, sticks are sometimes used to attack one another. Like all the other monkeys in the saloon, you only have one goal in mind: BANANA! But where to take from, if not steal? Or steal ?! There can only be one winner in the fight for the bananas. Will you be it?

Game Story
You are monkeys in the Wild West trying to prevail against each other. Manipulation and deceptive alliances determine the rambling for bananas. And in the saloon, sticks are some-times used to attack one another.

There are two ways to win:
  1. The player collects victory points. You get one victory point in exchange for five bananas. Once a player has collected five victory points, they win the game.
  2. The player collects symbols. Each character card shows a certain combination of three symbols (stone / water / coconut) located at the top of their character card. A player wins as soon as they have collected their three symbols. These symbols are activated by playing coresponding action cards.

So if you are the first to collect five victory points or the three matching symbols on your character card, you win the game.

How to Play
Phase 1: Draw a reward card
The player who monkeys around the most begins. They draw any one reward card in the display in Phase 1 of which they see only the front side. However, they receive the reward on the front and the previously hidden back side of the reward card. The drawn reward card then must laid on the discard pile.

Phase 2:
In Phase 2 the Player can choose between the following options: Activate action card, play an effect, disable action card

The character cards
There are six different characters. Each character card shows a combination of symbols for the symbol victory at the top. As soon as a player has activated the action cards with all the corresponding symbols, they win the game. Under the symbols the character is pictured with the respective special effect. The special effect can only be played once in the entire game. It can be done anytime during your own turn. To do this, the player places the character card face up in front of them for the rest of the game, so that the symbols are also revealed.

End of the Game
Once a player has five victory points or their combination of three required symbols in front of them, they win the game. It is also possible that four symbols are laid out.

—description from the designer

Ihr seid Affen im Wilden Westen und versucht euch gegen die anderen Affen durchzusetzen. Manipulation und trügerische Bündnisse bestimmen das Rangeln um die Bananen. Und im Saloon wird auch mal mit Stöcken aufeinander losgegangen. Wie alle anderen Affen im Saloon hast du nur ein Ziel vor Augen: BANANA! Doch woher nehmen, wenn nicht stehlen? Oder doch stehlen?! Im Kampf um die Bananen kann es nur einen Gewinner geben. Wirst du es sein?

—description from the designer (German)

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