
Balance Elemental (2020)

A battle between the Aspirants of the Higher Forces to achieve Elemental Balance.

Hạng: 16703
2-6 Người chơi
15-25 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Julián Vecchione

Họa Sĩ: Agustín Castro

Nhà Phát Hành: Pulga Escapista

Since the beginning of time, the four elements have performed a constant dance, which from a distance seems to be a struggle. There are Higher Forces that reign over them and keep them in an eternal balance. You were selected as new Aspirants of the Higher Forces because of your deep bond with Nature.
Prepare to showcase your prodigious memory and incredible perception in a challenge of skill never before seen. Are you ready to achieve Elemental Balance?

In order to win this game you must become the player with the most Points by the end of all the turns (the amount of turns is relative to the amount of players). In each turn one player is selected as the Master of Ceremonies who secretly chooses between 15 and 20 tokens mixing different elements to create a unique pattern which he then tosses in the table to give everyone 5 seconds to see and remember. Each player will register on his Elemental Counter the amount of each of the four natural elements (water, fire, earth and air) that are present on the table. Then the players scores according to how near their guess was. But, its not as simple as it looks! Some tokens combine the elements in random ways and also if your guess is too high you score 0!

Desde el inicio de los tiempos los cuatro elementos realizan una danza constante, de lejos pareciera ser una lucha. Hay Fuerzas Superiores que reinan sobre ellos y los mantienen en un eterno balance. Ustedes fueron seleccionados como nuevos Aspirantes de las Fuerzas Superiores, por su profundo vínculo con la naturaleza.
Prepárense para mostrar su prodigiosa memoria y su increíble percepción en un desafío de habilidad nunca antes visto. ¿Están listos para alcanzar el Balance Elemental?

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