Attack The Pack is a card game that replicates the experience of a pro bike race from your jersey pocket. It can be played at home, at the coffee stop or after dinner during a three-week grand tour...
In Attack The Pack you deploy a team of riders against your opponents to attack the peloton, create a winning breakaway and finally take on that agonizing sprint to the finish. Will you collude with your opponents, backing them up until the final sprint? Will you conspire against them, building an alliance and leaving them trailing in your wake? Or will you just go hell-for-leather from the starting line, trusting everyone else to do the dirty work?
Whatever you choose, that’s only the beginning of the challenge! The course itself, weather conditions and individual moments of brilliance from riders make Attack The Pack as beautifully unforgiving as real racing. The game is for 2-4 players and lasts approx 20min.
Each player has a team of up to five riders played in front of them, at the start of the game everyone is the peloton. Each rider has stats for four different road types (Flat Road, Hill, Moutain & Cobbles) which can be changed at any time during the game. To win you need to have a rider with the highest stat number for the current road type at the end of the game, ideally in the break. Players choose to make an attack with their riders and other players can either join the attack or defend against it. The break is created by the difference in the attacking players and the defending players, which would be then counted in minutes. The riders in the break would be moved forward in front of the riders in the peloton to signify they are in the break.
Players then use cards to change the break, attack and join the break, or reel the break in and everyone is back in the peloton. Other cards will help and hinder riders, including changing their stats.
When deck runs out, then players enter the Sprint Finish, and every player gets one turn to try and change the outcome of the game and win!