Operational Nautical wargame in a dystopian future.
Nhà Phát Hành: g.A.M.Studios
The year is 2039. Against the background of the rest of exhausted Europe, Scandinavia seems quite prosperous: there is no war, or even hunger. Sweden, a small regional leader with a recently acquired nuclear arsenal, seems to be completely safe from any encroachments. Neighbors on the peninsula are reaching out to her for protection.
A rogue state, the Great British Republic, is stirring up the North Sea. Once proud frigates, and now pirate ships of the British scurry back and forth in search of prey. Threatening with missiles, they take the "passage fee" from every oncoming vessel. In a world where bank accounts have lost value, tribute is collected in goods: from tankers - oil, from trawlers - fish, and so on.
So far, no one has dared to resist the brazen sea racketeers, but there is a limit to everything. When the British Overprotector demanded offshore oil platforms from the Norwegian government, the King-Queen of Sweden stood up for the allied country, threatening nuclear retaliation...
—description from the publisher
Britain vs. Sweden
Naval and AirLand combat.
OGRE-like structured ships mechanic.
Nuclear weapons available for both opponents.