
Astrologica (2017)

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
20-45 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Tác Giả: Tony Cimino

Họa Sĩ: Michael Andresakis, Bruce Salter

Nhà Phát Hành: Cyborg Centaur Games


Astrology: A way for people to understand the ways of the universe with the help of the stars.

Astrologica is a game in which you can alter Dominant Zodiacs and Zodiac Houses along with the Zodiac Elements.
The three most important Aspects in Astrology, the Zodiacs, Elements and the Zodiac sky, are yours to arrange and shift.

Players in Astrologica are like Astrologists, argue about the differences astrology has been through over the years. Many cards of the game show that change, from traditional to modern astrology. One of the main reasons, was the discovery of new planets. Until recently, Astrologists weren’t aware of the existence of the planets in the far reaches of our solar system. Due to the discovery of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and the consolidation of the Sun centered planetary system, astrology had to change. New ruling planets were established for the Zodiac Signs, Houses were shifted and the characteristics of each sign changed in order to be aligned with the new form of our solar system.

Most of the cards of Astrologica feature these changes, as each player makes the changes available through modern and traditional sign characteristics.

In few words...

Cards help you gain extra points, while creating row of cards
with the Proper Signs and Elements might grant you victory at the endgame.

As for the players, well, they try to put the Zodiacs in order along with the Elements.

The stars were always there. Our way of observing them through astrology changed, as we discover more and more of the universe we live in. An easy, competitive game destined for 2-5 players. Enjoy Astrologica by playing and learning of, the universe’s beauty combined with our imagination.


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