Arcane Warfare Excel 10 (AWE 10) are rules for miniature wargaming in the Antiquity, from 300BC to 500AD.
They are the latest evolution of the Arcane Warfare Project, run by Jerboa Wargames.
AWE 10 is a miniatures game without randomizers, like dice, cards or equivalent, instead it is a true mind game.
The rules have been developed using 15mm miniatures on 40mm frontage bases.
Each base represents a cohort size unit, that can fight independently of as part of a large formation, a phalanx.
The game is played over rectangular templates, by default 20x10cm, but areas of 10x10cm and 30x10cm are also used.
A battle with 32-34 bases per side can be conformably concluded within 90 minutes.
No dice, rulers, cards, bookkeeping or written orders.
Requirements: rectangle templates; magnetic sheet and metal steel paper, such as those found in hobby stores.
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