
Among Thieves (2019)

Walk the fine line between honour and greed as you compete to make the most cash!

Hạng: 16764
3-8 Người chơi
30-45 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 1.25/5

Tác Giả: Floyd Pretz

Họa Sĩ: Jarek Nocoń

Nhà Phát Hành: Indie Boards & Cards

Among Thieves is a game of deception and greed. You will work together to extort information from higher level employees of the largest corporations in the world. However, no one can be trusted. Win by having the most money, but be careful – the player with the least honor is eliminated.

Each round one player is the Heistmaster. They will choose who to take on the heist with them. All of the players can offer whatever they want to go on the heist. The Heistmaster can accept whatever deal they want, but no promises are binding.

Once the team has been chosen, the players will simultaneously choose whether to be honorable or dishonorable. If every player chooses honorable, you will flip over one card for each player. Each player on the heist will gain ISK equal to the total shown. If one or more players chose dishonorable, you will flip one card for each honorable player, but only the dishonorable player(s) will gain ISK. They will gain ISK equal to twice the total shown. Finally, if anyone chose dishonorable, all the dishonorable players will lose 1 honor and all the honorable players will gain 1 honor.

Will you share the ill-gotten gains of your exploits or will you backstab your partners in crime and keep the money for yourself?

—description from the publisher

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