
Amigos de Mierda (2019)

Every group of friends has that one person – the one you’re always joking about.

Hạng: 20368
3-22 Người chơi
20-40 Phút
Tuổi: 18+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Michel Fischman, Emmanuel Rabell

Nhà Phát Hành: Bureau de Juegos, Buró

Every group of friends has that one person – the one you’re always joking about (either to their face or not) –, and if you don’t know who that person is, it ought to be you!

Amigos de Mierda (Shitty Friends) is a quick and easy game where players randomly draw cards that make statements or questions about someone’s character. Then, on the count of three, every player on the table points to who they see fit for that situation. The most voted person gets the card, and whoever gets 5 cards first is crowned the Shitty Friend!

Put your colleagues to the test and take your relationships to the limit with Amigos de Mierda (Shitty Friends!)


—description from the publisher (translated)

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