
Alternatywy 4 (2013)

Hạng: 21768
3-6 Người chơi
90 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 3.20/5

Tác Giả: Maja Mirska, Robert Sypek

Họa Sĩ: Maja Mirska, Grzegorz Sobczak, Robert Sypek

Nhà Phát Hành: Inte-gra, TVP

Board game inspired by the popular Polish television comedy series. The game's story is centered around the inhabitants of the Warsaw block of flats. The game is an irony of life in Poland under communist regime at the 80's.

The players impersonate the TV series' characters, that attempt to adapt to the circumstances, where the omnipotent "Host of the House", Mr. Aniol (the name translates to: Angel) rules. Mr Aniol is a minor dignitaire of the communist party, that has temporarily fallen out from grace, but is ready to seize any opportunity to jump back to a more fitting position at the party's ladder (one of the players takes over his role). He runs the house at his convenience, keeping the inhabitants at check, invigilating them, organizing their lives, making them (or tricking them) to do his own duties for him, using them to impress the party dignitaires with his capabilities. The inhabitants, on the other hand, try to make their own lives in the block more bearable, preferably a bit comfortable too, and to ocassionally return Mr. Aniol the favor, undermining his position.

The game is full of humorous situations and negative interactions. It consists of several turns in five rounds. Turn reflects day of life. At the beginning of each round, players choose the location to which they want to go and perform the associated action given a location (or a card on hand).

Each character in the game has different bonuses and ways of scoring. First person who at the end of all the rounds has the most victory points.

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