A game that offers to face the choices of a fighter pilot on a mission.
A hybrid board/app tactical air combat game for two players that runs on a ‘simultaneous turn by turn’ basis over a board of hexagons (board and pawns to print and assemble yourself). The app allows you to choose your next manoeuvre/action with a simple tap on the screen. The movement options available for a given turn are based on the manoeuvre that has been performed previously, which opens or closes opportunities. The app contains the game manual, the scenarios, a link to the pdf document to print and shape and the user interface used to select and present the different manoeuvres and actions.
Each aircraft type has a specific flight model based on the laws of dynamics (official turn charts) that allows them to fly on the game board in a realistic way. The resolution of offensive actions takes into account the position/attitude of the planes and evasive manoeuvres in determining success.
Each game turn represents 8 seconds of flight time, which allows complex manoeuvres such as Immelmann, Split S, High yo-yo or Barrel roll to be performed in sequence.
The game features 20 scenarios (involving 1 to 9 aircraft) that include air-to-air and/or air-to-ground objectives, 5 aircraft types (fighter, interceptor, ground attack, bomber, transport) and 11 weapon/action types (cannon, missiles, bombs, countermeasures,...). Each scenario offers a number of points to be won by each team, the one that has won the most points wins the battle.